Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A setback or two, but I'll get there

After the party Sunday I felt pretty lousy: voice raspy, sore throat, headache... Monday AM was worse. I woke up with a really big head (and it was a dry party!). Went to the doc and she diagnosed a sinus infection. Just what I need when getting ready to fly on Thurs. We are treating it with antibiotics and decongestants. She advised taking decongestant and nasal spray before flying...

So now what do I do? Ride or not ride?

I am packing and weighing my bags, and so far so good. I will not have a problem keeping it under 30 pounds. My original weigh-in this AM was just under 20 lbs. so now I can add in the things that are not really essential. Funny how your idea of essential changes when you're up against the wall! Deodorant and dental floss=essential; shampoo=nonessential since we can use what's in the hotel... 3 pairs of shorts=essential; the 4th pair=desirable, not essential. So what if we wash and wear the same shorts for 50 days! We'll all be in the same boat! Still have to pack up my personal care packages and mail them...

I bought a fancy new phone yesterday, really a mini computer. It has internet access and a teeny keyboard for email and posting to the blog. Unfortunately I still have not been able to get it to send emails. Working on it again this AM... Erika helped set it up last night. Too bad I waited until the 11th hour to get it!

I guess I will mow the grass today, one last time. Who knows what it will look like when I'm gone?! I have to let go of the things I can't control, and stress the important ones like paying the bills and keeping the fish and cats alive! It is hard to let go...

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