Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010: Rest day in Winthrop, WA

This is a view of the Cascade Mountains that we crossed yesterday. It is a gorgeous view, and we are all a little proud that we did it!

We decided to sleep in today, so I shut the blackout curtains before going to bed last night, and it was almost 8:00 when we got up! That was super! We walked about a mile to the town of Winthrop where we had breakfast (NOT OATMEAL) at Three Finger Jack's Saloon and did some shopping. It was nice not having to rush around... Winthrop is a small town founded in 1891, and it looks like an old time western outpost. Very cool place.

When we got back to the Winthrop Inn, our home for these two nights, we put some laundry in and played some Scrabble. Boy was I hot on the Scrabble board today! My luck was unbelievable, and really quite annoying for Dianne. For instance: beginning one game, I picked up ZAPPERS for 94 points and she picked up 7 vowels.... Pure luck.

We ate sandwiches from the grocery store deli for lunch, played some more Scrabble, and went to supper at a nearby pizza place, since I did not want to walk to town again--it is a rest day after all.

I walked to the Post Office, and the package that was sent to me from home had not arrived. Uh-oh. We leave tomorrow morning! The clerk at the PO said that most things do not arrive in one day even if overnighted since Winthrop is quite remote from any large city. He also said he would forward the package to me when it arrives. So now I will have to wait until the PO opens at 9 AM to give him my itinerary. That way when the package arrives he can forward it to the right place for that day, and it won't hopscotch across the state trying to catch up with me!

Always something. But how many days can we survive without a Scrabble timer?

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