This was a relatively short day (54 miles) and there was not a great deal to do in Wolf Point, and the rooms would not be ready before 2 PM, so why not wait? Dianne rolled out with Little Linda at about 9:45. CJ and I left at 10:10, in no hurry. It was quite pleasant riding in the light rain, and the humid air is easier to breathe than the dusty pollen-laden air of the last several days.
We started out on US 2, and stayed on that rode for 20 miles, until we turned off on a paved unmarked road. We were to have a sag at that corner. I had a flat tire about a mile before the 20 mile turn, and CJ and I fixed it on the side of the road. It was rather fortunate that it was quiet enough that I heard it (and felt it) before it was totally flat. When I got off the bike to look I could see 2 spots bubbling (from the rain on the road). Had I not seen that there were 2 holes I may have fixed one and went on my way only to flat out again right away.... I HOPE I would not have done that, and I will remember this next time I get a flat.
We entered the Fort Peck Indian reservation about 14 miles into the ride, and stayed there the rest of the day. We rode on unmarked blacktopped roads with very little traffic. It was a real joy! We did not see any other riders after the 20 mile sag; 5 had ridden in the van all day, 2 were picked up at 20 miles after one of them had a flat tire, and a number of them stayed on US 2 instead of following the route, thus saving them 4 miles of riding.
CJ and I enjoyed riding the back roads, and the rain let up then finally stopped altogether. We caught an occasional glimpse of the Missouri River while passing between farm fields. There were some abandoned houses along the way, and miles and miles with no homes in sight. We were chased by a couple of dogs right after the 40 mile sag, but they didn't bite us, and no one fell down in all the dodging and weaving to avoid them. We got back on US 2 a couple of miles before Wolf Point.
We were the last to arrive at the motel, just as the rooms became available. This was day 3 of a 7 day string of riding days, the longest on the tour.
1 comment:
Were those last 2 pictures of your motel? LOL
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