Monday, January 23, 2012

January 22, 2012. Hawaii.

This resort is built on the site of a historical royal palace. I don't know how that can be.... but restoration is ongoing. Right on the hotel site! I walked out on the slippery black lava rocks to see what I could see, not crossing the barriers of course....After breakfast I walked up to see this little Catholic church. I had it in mind to go to Mass there, but a sign on the front said Mass at 7:30 PM on Saturdays only. I was quite disappointed. You would not believe how small this church is! It looks like it could hold about 10 people!Dianne and I met up with the tour leaders, Linda and Laurie, and they drove us out to Cycle Station bike shop, where we were fitted up for our rental bikes. This is Julia, below, who took excellent care of me! If you look closely you can see the great jersey she is wearing--Tiki Gods and all! I ordered one for a souvenir, but it will not arrive until I am home. I left the shop with a bike that feels so comfortable that it could be my own. I had been leery about riding a rental bike, but what a fit I had when they were done! Dianne had a bit more trouble and had to change from the bike she intended to rent, but she ended up well fit too. It's only a week, but there are some long days on this trip and a bike that fits is absolutely imperative! I was missing a bike lock when I got to the hotel, and Julia drove over to bring it to me at the end of the day.At 5:00 we met up with the rest of the group. Here are some of them: Jenny from California (who we know from the west coast trip) standing in the back, Liz from NC on the right, and Tina from WI in the chair.Below are Ruth and her niece Kristen both from MN, and Jen from Woman Tours. I had met her once before but have emailed with her many times.Here are April and Natalie, from Nebraska.Tour leaders Laurie and Linda look happy to be here! Of course Linda is from Montana--what Montanan would not want to be in Hawaii in January? We know Linda from last year's Southern Tour.In the purple shirt is Denise from Vermont. Her luggage had not arrived yet when we went to dinner... she seemed pretty cool about it.We filled out release forms, piled into the van and went to dinner. Dianne, Linda (OR) and Cheryl (WA) above, and Ellen (VT) and Judy (NC) below. Somehow I missed Sue, and she was sitting right next to me at the meeting and at dinner! We are from everywhere around the country, but we'll all be friends by the end of this week--it's always fun to do these tours and meet up with old friends and make some new ones.!

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