Monday, September 17, 2018

September 17, 2018. Austria. Hiked 7 miles, biked 36 Kilometers.

We piled into the van at 9:30 this morning to drive up to the Krimmel Waterfalls, the tallest in Europe and fifth tallest waterfalls in the world. It is within the Hohe Tauern National Park, as is our Castle Hotel.

We stopped at various places along the hike up into the Alps, both to rest and to take photos. It was a pretty steep hike!

At one point I thought we were at the top, but it was only the top of the big section. There was another part to the falls, with an even steeper path to get there!

When we reached the top we took a break and took more photos. Here are me and Marietta.

Peter took shots of the rest of us in front of the altitude sign: 1465 Meters. Here are Diana, me, Cheryl and Carrie with Tim behind them, Rudy and Marietta.

Above are Peter and Marietta. My watch told me we hiked 3.7 miles and climbed the equivalent of 109 flights of stairs!

Some nice people took our photos on the way back down the trail--finally one with Peter in it too!

I tried to get a photo showing the steepness of this hike. You have to look closely to see it.

We did not even leave the park--as soon as we got to the bottom of the hike we ate lunch!

At the parking lot we unloaded the bikes and rode back to our castle. We were mostly along the River Salzach. It is blue in color because it flows down from a glacier. We rode some dirt trails today, to stay off the main road. There were some steep downhills in the beginning of the ride, on the dirt. We'd been told it was all downhill riding today, but that was not exactly correct. It was not nearly as much climbing as yesterday, but it certainly was not all downhill (or flat)! 

We rode through farmland among the cows and horses again. There were more cars on the lanes today, maybe because it was close to getting off of work time. 

We stopped at the bottom of the mountain and loaded up the bikes and drove up to the castle. Life is good!

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