Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 4, 2019.

We planned to meet the kids at the beach today, thinking we would go see them late morning and then ride to lunch. When they told us they would get there at noon we changed our plans... we rode out to the Pinellas Trail, stopping at Wall Springs Park. This was a destination for healing freshwater springs in the late 1800s and early 1900s. I was here ten years ago and climbed the old fire tower. A couple of years later vandals torched it and it burned to the ground. Here are Kathie and Dianne at the top of the new tower, and the view from the top.

After Wall Springs we rode to Tarpon Springs and had lunch at Mama Maria's, one of our favorite restaurants. Then we rode out to Howard Park to meet the kids.

They were almost done with the sun and the sand when we got there. We visited for a while, and then Kathie, Dianne and I got back on the bikes and Alison, Francis and the kids started packing up. We decided to meet them at the Sandbar Grill, since they had not had lunch yet. Very soon after that Kathie told me she was not riding to Dunedin. By the time we reached Tarpon Springs, Dianne also opted out. They headed for home and I fought the headwind all the way to Dunedin. I had dessert with the family and we were ready to leave when Dianne arrived in the car. She gave the kids the gifts she bought them last week, but ever the teacher, she made them each answer a question to get their gift.

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