We stayed last night at the Casino in New Town, which was named thus when the old towns and original homes of the Indians on Fort Berthold Reservation were flooded by Lake Sakakawea, created by the damming of the Missouri river in 1956. The bridge in the photo I took this morning spans Lake Sakakawea at one of its narrowest points. We would have biked across this bridge had we not been pulled off the route yesterday. 

On the way to Stanley in the sag car we took photos of some of the trucks on county road 8. I don't see any room for bicycles in this picture.... do you?
We got out of the van and car and turned immediately on to US 2. There was a nice wide shoulder for some of the ride, and no shoulder in other parts. Sometimes the shoulder/no shoulder transitions happened several times within a mile. No idea why. The overwhelming majority of traffic moved into the left lane to give us room. One semi driver swerved toward me and Dianne today. What idiot driving a semi would want to play chicken with women on bicycles????? We were over as far off the lane as we could go.
We got away from the gas and oil wells and into some interesting agricultural areas--cash crops of flax and canola lined the sides of the highway creating a beautiful contrast of colors. The sag car was where it was supposed to be at 20 and 40 miles. The wind was at our backs, and the instructions were clear: turn right on US 2, ride 52.1 miles, get off at Motel. I averaged over 18 MPH on the ride, sometimes barely pedaling for miles.
We are at the Comfort Inn in Minot (pronounced my not) for two nights, since we have a much needed rest day tomorrow. We already ate lunch and did our laundry, and plan to do not much else the rest of today and tomorrow.
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