Gary took a photo of all of us too! Then we got in the trucks and drove into Walker.
They take their sports seriously in this part of Minnesota! There are many bike and kayak shops, and they have a lot to offer.
We started out from the parking lot where we met Bill and Doris yesterday. We took the longer route out of town because it stayed on trail 100% of the route. We found out later that it added ten miles to our ride.
We met Gary Walters on the trail; he rides this human hamster wheel all over the place collecting money for kids' charities. Several of us opened our wallets and made donations. I was the only one to try the wheel--I sure would not want to ride it on the hills!
The Paul Bunyan State Trail, which we've been on the last 2 days is not your usual flat rail trail! We stopped for lunch at Hackensack. There are so many Paul Bunyans in this area that it was kind of a relief to see someone else memorialized here--Paul's sweetheart, Lucette Diana Kensack and son Paul, Jr.! We had lunch at the Char House where we all had to try cheese curds, a local delicacy.
We stopped for a comfort break at Pine River, our eyes on the clock because we were supposed to be at our place of lodging at 4 PM.
We arrived at Nordic Inn ten minutes early, pulled the chain and heard an elk bugling and a large dog barking. This is not your typical B and B! It is an old Methodist church converted into a Viking extravaganza!
Diana got the Lookout Room, at the top of a spiral staircase. Fred and Doris got the Jarl's den, complete with skins hanging on the wall.
Steinarr's great dane Thor, likes Bill a lot. This is one large dog, but he is extremely well behaved.
Tom and Dennis shared the Locker Room, dedicated to the Minnesota Vikings.
Steinarr gave us each a costume and a character profile for tonight's drama.
Bill and I have the loft at the top of the stairs, with our bed in the prow of the Viking ship.
The drama that began at dinner carried through until 11 PM. We each had our own secret agenda and a pouch of cards--Life cards and Lust cards among others. There were several swords, the eye of Odin and an amulet that we had to beg, barter, steal and kill for. We all had a great time, although we were confused much of the time.
Soon after the game was done (no one won) we retired to our chambers. The fire station next door sounded an alarm in the middle of the night, awakening most of us, although Dianne and Diana both slept though it.
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