Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alaska day 4. June 7, 2024

We drove to Homer today. Looked around, drove around, had lunch, drove back... It was over 3 hours each way. Of course there was construction along the way--they have a very short season for that here.

On the way there  we saw the remnants of a very large forest fire. The devastation went on for at least 10 miles along AK 1, and of course there's no way to know how far back it goes.

We drove out the Homer Spit to the end, and then drove up to the overlook. This is a beautiful place!

Below is the view from our lunch spot.

On the way back from Homer we saw 3 moose along the road!

After we got back to our B and B we walked out for ice cream and I took some pictures along the water, which is a block from where we're staying.

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