Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Coast to Coast group

This is very cool... CrossRoads Cycling started an email group so that those of us going on the Coast to Coast ride can start getting to know one another. So far several people have introduced themselves. I have found out that I am not the oldest rider, nor the slowest! That is good news!

I rode 38 miles today in 45 degree weather with a 15 MPH north wind. A little chilly but the sun was shining.... Lucky for me I did the 61 miles that was on today's schedule on Friday when it was warmer, so today I did Friday's ride... I missed yesterday's ride altogether. It was very cold and rainy and the wind was howling. Will it ever be spring???? It snowed this morning for several hours. Blah.

One of the other riders on the tour is from Michigan and she emailed me today. That was fun! She mentioned my trip to KY (I told about it in my introduction). Maybe I will meet her there... she lives in the hilly southwestern part of the state, not the flatlands of southeast Michigan where I am.

The Husband is giving me a going away party! He made up a silly flyer (Oh No, My wife is leaving me... lets's have a party!). It ought to be great fun and I sure appreciate the effort. I would never have considered it myself... Life is good!

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