Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011.Rest day at Navasota, TX

It was hot, sunny, and windy today. We ate breakfast, did laundry, played Scrabble. Ate lunch, cleaned the bikes, played Scrabble... and we rested. Dianne bought my lunch to pay me her Florida Scrabble debt. It was a very satisfying lunch! We have 5 days of riding before the next rest day. I am icing my inflamed left knee--never a good thing... it all started when I went for a long walk in Kerrville the day I arrived. I KNEW I didn't like walking! I keep using sore muscle rub, ibuprofen, and ice and hoping for the best. So far so good, one day at a time, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and any other cliches that might work in this case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the knee and hope that gentle riding fixes it up fast. I don't think I would want to take you and/or Dianne on at Scrabble. Though my mother, sister and I did play a version that involved champagne and spur of the moment rule changes.