Monday, June 16, 2014

June 14, 2014. Hiawatha to Highland, KS. 36 miles.

This day started out sunny and windy, with rain predicted for later this afternoon. Sue, Dianne, Gail, Peggy and I started out together but did not ride together. Today was hillier than yesterday and the wind was brutal (except for the 8 miles when it was at our backs--that was wonderful!).

After 20 miles we came to the Missouri River, where many of the cyclists dipped their wheels to celebrate crossing the state. I did not partake in this ceremony.

The above message may be hard to read--it says "nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible".

After the wheel dipping we rode along the river, so it was not as hilly, but we were riding straight into the 30 MPH wind. (This is how it was when I rode across Kansas in 2008--I guess yesterday was a fluke). I put my head down and hauled, arriving at Highland around 10:30. Dianne and Sue came in around 11:30 and we celebrated the end of Dianne's long quest to ride all 50 states.

There was not much left when we got through the line for lunch--all we got was a turkey sandwich; all the side dishes were gone. We loaded the truck and headed for Kansas City, MO.

We showered and went to dinner at a nearby restaurant--this was the real celebration dinner! Then we returned to the room and played Scrabble until it was time to go to bed. Above are the earrings Dianne's sister Jan gave her to commemorate her 50th state--she did not take them off all week!

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