Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 23, 2014. Wayland to Greenville, MI. 57 Miles.

It rained overnight and the forecast for today does not look good. We are going to get wet. Tom and I started out in a light mist, hoping to get done before the rain really moves in.

Alas, it was not to be. We got wet pretty early in the ride, and stayed wet. There was a detour at Lowell, where they were working on a bridge. We were at the head of the pack, and by the time we finished the detour they had relented and opened the bridge to cyclists. Oh well, what's an extra mile?

The truck was parked at Lowell and Tom and I walked through the town before he got in the truck and I continued on. I'm not sure what this sculpture is in the middle of the river. It was a nice little town; I would have liked to spend some time here, but I want to get done and be dry.

Near the end of the ride I had a shoe malfunction--I could not get my shoe uncleated from the pedal. I was out there alone so I gave it a good yank and the cleat pulled out of the shoe! Not good. I finished the ride OK and Bill reattached the cleat and loosened the pedal spring.

Unfortunately the showers were cold. A lot of the schools have turned off their boilers for the summer, and I guess they just did not think to turn them back on in time for 800 people to take showers. They are being paid to house us, so one would think they could turn on the boilers for us. We had all gotten very wet today, so I took our stuff to the Laundromat and did a load--one of the benefits of having our own vehicle on the tour!

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