Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 25, 2015. In Sunny Florida.

Dianne had an appointment this morning, so after she left I loaded the dishwasher with all the dishes and silverware from her cupboards (again, if you know her you will understand). I pushed the button, wiped out the cupboards and drawers, and then put my bike together--finally!

By the time Dianne returned the dishes were put away and I was comfortably ensconced on her front porch couch with a book--she was pretty well worn out from her appointment and I was coughing (still getting over bronchitis) so we stayed in for the evening. Translation: 10 games of Scrabble!

She was not at all unhappy about the dishes--she told me that's the extra benefit of having guests from the frozen north. Last year her sister Julie washed her windows when she was here! (I don't do windows).

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