Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 21, 2016. PALM. White Cloud to Evart, MI. 54 Miles.

This morning Bill took our photo before we set out. Here we are again--Martha, me, Toby, Dianne and Tom. Tom is riding very well, especially considering the extent of his injuries last August. We are all very careful on the road, but we can't know what the drivers of the vehicles are thinking or doing while driving.

The fruit stop was at Norwich Township Hall at mile 18. It's always cool and refreshing and the volunteers serving the watermelon are always smiling.

 They set up warning signs for motorists this year at particularly busy intersections.

There were some young entrepreneurs on the route today--first there was a lemonade and cookie stand to send a little girl to summer camp (we stopped, we bought, we ate), and later in the day at a water stop there was a big welcome sign and cookies, lemonade and iced tea available with a requested donation to a local 4-H group. We supported them too.

We arrived at Evart around 1:30, set up tents and got in the truck to go to lunch. Bill and Tom wanted to go to Seven Slot Grille in Reed City so we drove there (about a half hour drive) and the place was closed on Tuesdays! We stopped elsewhere and had a great lunch, but by then it was 3 PM. Way too late for me to have lunch! So I very calmly told the rest of our group "this is not working for me". Tomorrow we will NOT get all settled in before we eat lunch--it's hard for me to be nice when I have not eaten!

I was so excited when I found out we were stopping In Evart--I called my old friend Roger but found out he does not live here any more! Dang. That's 2 old friends I did not get to see this week.

1 comment:

historicstitcher said...

I really wish I were with you guys!