Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017. Palm Harbor, FL

This morning I got up a little late so did not swim while Dianne played tennis. I was still reading the paper when she returned--she booked out of tennis a little early. We walked the 2 miles to the gym, worked out for an hour and a half, then walked back home.

After shower and lunch we got in the car and drove to the clubhouse for Scrabble club. Dianne and I never play each other at Scrabble club, since we play all the time. I won all my games, Dianne won most of hers, tied one. It was fun playing the other people!

When I was done playing 5 games I went to the pool and swam 2000 yards. But my fitness tracker read 2100 yards. maybe it's a 25 meter pool? But wouldn't that be 2200 yards? I guess it doesn't matter.

We came home, I showered yet again (allergic to chlorine) and we ate dinner. All of a sudden I was very, very tired. I think I am done for the day!

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