Monday, April 1, 2019

March 25, 2019. Florida with Zane.

Zane and I got to the airport in plenty of time. The gate agent asked him how old he was, but did not ask him who he was traveling with. How on earth do they determine who is a valid adult to travel with an undocumented child? She did not even ask to see the documents I carried!

He was fine on the airplane. We passed over the north end of Grosse Ile and I pointed out the island and the bridges to him. He watched the Frozen movie on the plane. There was a lot to choose from in the Kid Stuff collection and he had his own little screen.

We got off the plane and took a tram to the main terminal at Tampa Airport. He talked to a woman with a little dog before we boarded at Detroit and again at Tampa. The dog's owner was quite accommodating!

The first thing he wanted to do when we got to Dianne's was to go swimming. So we did! It ended up being a daily thing, swimming in that pool. Sometimes the simplest things are the most memorable.

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