Friday, March 12, 2021

February 11-15, 2021

We biked 5 days in a row! I have not done that i n a couple of years! Tom met us at the Withlacoochee trail again. This time Tom and I rode separate from Doris and Fred and Bill. Doris had not been on a bike in several years and she rented a recumbent trike--she loved it so much that Fred went back and ordered one for her! Here she is on her new bike!

We met Tom at the Santos trail near Ocala. I was surprised to see the bear warning! Fortunately we did not see any bears. There were several groups on horseback though.

Fred and I rode out the Ozella Road, a very curvy road through the salt marsh. we stopped several times along the way, one time seeing dolphins heading out to the gulf. Very cool.

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