Friday, March 12, 2021

February 5-8, 2021

February 5, 6, 7 and 8 were all biking days, with a walk thrown in for good measure. It is wonderful to be in the warm weather at this time of year! My friend Dianne from Palm Harbor, FL drove over for the weekend, and biked with us. We (of course) played Scrabble when we were not on the bikes!

We all biked the Withlacoochee Trail again, this time meeting at Floral City. We had lunch at Robin's.

Dianne brought me a wonderful gift! A biking jersey that depicts New York City. We circled Manhattan Island on our bikes in 2018 and it is a great reminder of a sweet time with our friends.  

Fred, Dianne and I rode out to the gulf on Monday. There are a lot of trails and road routes to choose from here. 

Fred had a flat tire this morning, and changed it in the parking lot before we got on the bikes. He did not find whatever it was that caused the flat tire, so changed it and got on the bike... bad move! Of course it started going flat again as soon as we started riding! He stopped and aired it up multiple times before giving up and getting into the truck.

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