Saturday, November 11, 2023

October 1, 2023

We drove to Ithaca and hiked the Buttermilk Falls today. 

Above from left: Jim, Fred, Doris and Dianne. Below from left: Diana, Bill, me and Tom.

We split up into two groups for the hike. Bill, Dianne, Fred and Doris chose a relatively level route, while Tom, Jim, Diana and I chose the steep hike all the way to the top of the falls. 

Diana turned around after this photo was taken--she has been having issues with her knee and did not want to jeopardize her cycling plans for this week.

The Gorge Trail to the top of the falls consisted of many stair steps. My watch told me we went up 56 flights of stairs. And we all know that going down the steps is harder on the knees than going up! So Jim, Tom and I "took the long way home" and came down the Rim Trail after we crossed the bridge over the falls. . 

Erika and Bryan came over to our cottage for dinner (it was my turn to cook). Fred and Doris also had a guest: their daughter Jenny's college roommate. A good time was had by all.

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