Monday, June 16, 2014

June 12, 2014. Kansas.

We arrived at Oskaloosa, KS around 3 PM. Dianne rolled in around 5:00. I gave her the gift I made to commemorate her reaching her goal of biking across all 50 states! She liked it a lot!

This has been a hard week for her. Several times they made all the campers go inside the school or travel a few blocks to another building when there was severe weather (tornado warnings, hailstorms). Every time we looked at Kansas weather we saw rain, and knew she was riding in it.
This bike tour offers several options: camping, local motels when available, and sleeping in the schools. The photo below shows how they sleep in the school--I would not be able to sleep in a gym with hundreds of people breathing my air! Dianne camped all week, and Bill and I set up our tent too.

There is no rain predicted for tonight or tomorrow. I am here to ride the last 2 days of Dianne's last state with her, even though I told her all along that I did not ever want to ride in Kansas again after my windy experience riding across this state in 2008.

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