Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014. Brockport to Webster, NY. 40 Miles.

We sang our song and hit the road early; I think we'd all left by 7:30. We rode back down to Brockport, which is really a nice town. By the time we were a couple of miles out of town we were riding along the Erie Canal.

We stopped now and again for photo opportunities, like this one showing Dianne, Peggy, Ann and Caryn. Everyone on this trip got along well with one another, and that does not always happen!

Cy was the SAG today, allowing the rotating SAG drivers to all ride their bikes. She was at Henpeck Landing offering us crackers with nutella and raspberries on top. That was a nice change from energy bars and pretzels.

At around 21 miles into our ride we came upon signs warning us that there was a bike race in progress. There was indeed and it was all little kids; some were even on training wheels! They were all over the bike path and I eventually just got off and walked my bike in the grass. I did not want to be responsible for some 5-year old crashing his or her bike!

We were on the Erie Canal bike path for much of today's ride and it was very pleasant to be out of the traffic. When we crossed back into the US yesterday we noticed right away that the roads were in deplorable shape compared to Ontario's roads.

Shortly before we got off the Erie Canal Towpath we came upon lock #33 and its house, where the lockkeeper lived in the Erie Canal's heyday. Just around the curve from lock 33 Cy was there with our second SAG of the day and the last of this trip. She had chips and avocado hummus among other treats. We got off the towpath then, and were on the roads for the next 10 miles. 

The cue at mile 28.8 states: go straight onto dirt path at end of Clover St. CAUTION: Walk bike over live RR tracks and around gate. The dirt path was about 8 inches wide, the gate had a "no trespassing" sign on it and there was not even a pretense of a crossing at the railroad track. But we carried on, and carried our bikes across the tracks. Ann and I took each other's photos crossing the tracks.

We got back on a bike path for the last couple of miles, and then we were there! We have ridden all the way around Lake Ontario!  Sue prepared a picnic lunch for us, which we ate on the curb in the parking lot of the motel where we started this journey. 

Cy and Sue gave little thank you and farewell speeches, the peletones sang their 12 days of cycling song again and I tried to video it on my camera and failed. Darn.  Cy and Sue presented Woman Tour hats to the SAG drivers (Lorna, Tracy and Caryn)  and we were done.

Ann from NJ, Lorna, Dianne and I are going on to ride around Lake Erie, leaving Webster tomorrow to drive to Cleveland. I am ready for 2 whole days off the bike!


Anonymous said...

Linda, it was wonderful riding with you and SAGGING for you for the last 11 days. I hope your trip around Lake Erie is just as enjoyable. Go, Linda, Go. -- Caryn

JB said...

Hi Linda. I am just now able to read your blog, and have to say, WOW! How great. And, I WAS THERE WITH YOU!! It was a fantastic tour, and your summation of it here is wonderful. I also hope that your tour around lake Erie is just an amazing. Here's wishing you cool temperatures (with no rain), warm breezes, tail winds and lots of fun!! --Julie B.